
Does Kitchen Cabinet Refacing Hold Up?

How long does kitchen cabinet refacing last? This depends on the state of the kitchen cabinet refacing la verne. Cabinets made from smooth MDF panels or plywood panels with no damage are best to reface. There are some important things to remember before you start the project. Before you begin any work, it is important that the cabinet face frame be strong and free from damage.

Installing new cabinet doors and covering exposed frames is the most basic aspect of cabinet refacing. The process usually takes around two to four working days. It may take longer if more than one cabinet is being replaced or additional cabinets are added. The work can be completed by one or two craftsmen. They remove the old finish, and glue on the new material. They also fill in nail holes and trim edges. You can easily reface your kitchen cabinet refacing tustin to make it look better without having to replace them.

It isn’t the best option for every kitchen but it can last longer than replacing cabinets. Refacing cabinets is a cheaper option than replacing them and will last for years. Refacing is an economical way to save money and it’s also eco-friendly. Not only does it look like new, but it also reduces waste and helps the planet. You can also have cabinets refaced with the same layout.

For more info about kitchen cabinet refacing see this other blogs or contact us  at https://www.kitchencabinetrefacing.com.

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