
Common Causes of HVAC Service Requests in Salt Lake City Utah!

Salt Lake City is known for experiencing pretty extreme weather changes, particularly when it comes to temperature fluctuations. Throughout the course of one day, the Salt Lake metro area can experience a wide variety of weather—including sunny skies and severe snowstorms right next to each other!

But Salt Lake City’s unique weather comes with some drawbacks, including an overall increased need for HVAC repairs for both homes and businesses. We’ve teamed up with the HVAC service salt lake city utah specialists at ProService to provide this comprehensive list of the most common causes of HVAC service requests throughout the area.

So if you’re a home or business owner in the Salt Lake City area, keep the following HVAC issues in mind while you’re preparing your seasonal maintenance this fall!

Lack of HVAC System Upkeep & Maintenance

This is by far the most common issue that HVAC professionals come across throughout Salt Lake City, because simply too many property owners neglect their seasonal maintenance and general upkeep.

HVAC systems require professional maintenance at least once per year, and it’s typically best to invest in at least two annual maintenance appointments when you live in harsh climate like northern Utah. Many AC and furnace repairs can ultimately be avoided when HVAC service providers are able to recognize lingering issues that’ll get worse in the near future, and the vast majority of HVAC system repairs and replacements fall into this avoidable category!

Clogged & Dirty HVAC Filters

A lot of northern Utah property owners also forget about cleaning out their HVAC filters on a regular basis, which technically should be about once per month in such an arid climate.

HVAC filter upkeep helps extend the overall lifetime of HVAC systems, and it also protects a property’s ductwork from all sorts of potential issues. Your system will ultimately have to work much harder to maintain proper efficiency when you have clogged or dirty filters, and many people first recognize this issue when they notice abnormally high energy bills.

This is why it’s always crucial for both home and business owners to replace their HVAC filters on a routine basis!

HVAC Pilot & Ignition Repairs

A lot of HVAC systems experience ignition and pilot issues, and these types of pilot outages can be the result of dirty flame sensors, burners or pilots. What’s particularly troubling about these ignition repairs is that it can potentially lead to furnace lockout scenarios, delayed burner ignition, short cycling, and many other HVAC system repairs.

It’s also possible for pilot issues to be closely connected to a property’s gas supply problems, which often relates to ignition component deterioration and normal wear and tear. It’s important for property owners to understand that these HVAC repairs are never DIY projects, and that you’ll need professional assistance when you’re experiencing problems with your HVAC system’s ignition or pilot light!

HVAC Thermostat Malfunctions

Northern Utah properties either have programmable or non-programmable HVAC thermostats, and both types of thermostats frequently experience issues that require professional attention.

Programmable thermostats are also commonly referred to as smart thermostats, and they feature all sorts of digital tools and components that help property owners manage their HVAC system via an app. Although some thermostat malfunctioning can be easily troubleshooted, there are many scenarios in which property owners will require a comprehensive diagnosis from a professional HVAC technician.

HVAC System Wearing

There are all sorts of mechanical dilemmas that naturally occur within HVAC systems as they get older, and this type of wearing is normal for areas like Salt Lake City. Many property owners neglect routine maintenance, which exacerbates this type of wear and tear.

Belts and bearings typically get worn down due to airflow and overheating issues, and these repairs are just one of many reasons why property owners have to take their HVAC system maintenance very seriously!

Abnormal Furnace Noises

Although furnaces will make certain operational noises, it’s important for property owners to recognize when their furnace noises stray toward the abnormal. Strange whining or squealing sounds are clear indications that your HVAC system is going through a mechanical dilemma, which could also be a warning sign of a motor failure in the near future.

Although these scenarios might require a motor replacement, it’s also possible that you might need to invest in a furnace replacement appointment as well.

Contact ProService to Learn More About Their HVAC Services in Salt Lake City Utah!

Home and business owners throughout Salt Lake City Utah need to stay on top of their HVAC system maintenance, because HVAC repairs are an all-too-common occurrence throughout northern Utah. Although this has a lot do with the region’s harsh climate, there are many HVAC repairs that are caused by owner neglect.

The good news is that HVAC service providers like ProService have your back when your HVAC system needs professional attention, and their expert technicians are available to answer your questions when you check out their website via the link at the top of this article!

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